Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hope for Peru!

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!" -Helen Keller

Hope is something that we actively do every day.  Whether it's for a new car, victory of our favorite team, or simply for the sun to shine in the morning, we hope.  It is the very basis for life because without hope, there is no motivation, with no motivation there is no progression.  Hope is the key that ignites our motivation and motivation is the gas pedal that leads us to better places.  "Better places" can take on many different meanings for different people.  One can search for better places in his/her relationship or search for a better place in the work force.  One can seek a better place in his/her belief system or a better place to establish home.
As humans it is inherent in us to seek such better places because as children of God we've been sent to this earth to learn, to grow, and to progress.  And as we do so, we do with hope.

Sadly there are many of our fellow children who lack hope.  This lack is delivered by a train of disappointments and negative circumstances.  Negative circumstances that they don't necessarily deserve but ones they've inherited in their time on this earth.  One could easily ask how God could allow his children to live without hope but the answer to that is simple.  He doesn't.  Yes He sent us to this earth and yes He is all powerful.  But he also gave us the gift to make our own choices and promises to respect that. He also blesses us with the knowledge and ability to help others so we may learn and grow together.   With these gifts, those of us that have experienced hope everyday can choose to share that with our brothers and sisters who have either lost it along the way or have yet to experience its fruits. 

This is something my sister and I HOPE to do this coming May with the beautiful children of Peru.  These children have fallen victim to circumstances that they cannot control due to the poor choices of the people who were supposed to care for them.  These children are sent to live in orphanages because their parents have chosen to live dangerous lifestyles surrounding alcohol and abuse or they have themselves have fallen victim to severe poverty.
These children are living in conditions that leave much to be desired, that is if the children had any knowledge or hope of better things that could be desired.   With the volunteer program that we have joined we can do just that.  We can serve in these orphanages and work directly with these children.  While working with them we can show them the possibilities of a better place in life that comes with education and love.  As we educate them they will learn skills that can help them lead a better life without poverty, abuse, neglect, or alcohol.  And as we love them they can begin to feel what hope really is and begin to hope for better places themselves. 

If you are one who hopes then I ask you sincerely to reflect on the quote at the top as well as the light that hope brings into your life.  As you do this please consider helping us in bringing hope into the lives of the children in Cuzco, Peru.  Though we we will be working with a small number of orphans in comparison their population of the world, it is profoundly better than helping none.  And if only one is able to lead a better life with the hope we can bring him/her then all of our efforts will have been worth it.

Purchase your t-shirt at and stand with us as God's representatives of hope.  With every t-shirt purchase you will be helping us bring hope into the lives of children and pushing despair over the edge by funding our efforts to demonstrate love and bring education to these children.  If we reach our goal of at least 100 shirts sold... I will symbolically push despair over the edge by facing a fear and participating in the highest bungee jump in South America!!
Help us push despair over the edge to make room for HOPE!!!

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